He turns four today. He doesn't speak clearly all the time, but he knows what tools to use and how to drive a tractor. He knows plenty about letters, numbers, shapes and colors and so on - but he will tell only on his own terms. He loves puzzles and books. He asks to go to Grandmas and Papas every day, sometimes even throws little tantrums...not understanding that they live four hours away. He likes hunting and fishing, playing outside, trucks, tractors, airplanes, helicopters and digging for treasures...and obviously, Spiderman. When we get to spend our days together we listen to music and he asks "Mommy, will you dance with me?", and he gives me hugs and kisses so willingly...when no one else is around. He sucks his thumb and drags around a soft blankey or stuffed animal when he's tired and he'll ask "Mommy, will you hold me?"...and that's about the only time he seems so little still, and I will stop whatever I am doing to soak up those moments for as long as I can. He is bigger than a lot of kids his age which can be challenging (though more so for me than for him, it seems) - when more is expected of him than he is reasonably capable of - and I find myself explaining to others that he's not as old as they might think. Not much seems to faze him. He's quite confident though he has such a kind heart - and he seriously cracks us up. He is our greatest joy...and our greatest challenge with more determination, attitude, and energy (since the very beginning :)) than we know how to handle sometimes. He is his daddy's shadow and my heart.
Happy birthday my love.